A collaboration of Professor Szameit's research group at the University of Rostock with researchers from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg has succeeded in stabilizing the interference of two photons in optical chips with the concept of topologically protected wave propagation [...]
An international cooperation of physicists from the University of Rostock, the cluster of excellence ct.qmat, the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg and the Indiana University Indianapolis (IUPUI) have demonstrated for the first time that robust and stable propagation of light is possible [...]
In November 2023, the board of the international specialist society Optica elected the 2024 Fellows. Among them is Alexander Szameit, Professor at the Institute of Physics at the University of Rostock. An Optica Fellowship is reserved for people who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of optics and photonics. Alexander Szameit is researching the physics of light [...]
In his research, Dr. Maczewsky drew inspiration from a wide variety of fields in physics. Leveraging concepts from optics/photonics, solid state physics, topology and nonlinear physics, Dr. Maczewsky's findings [...]
The astronomy group appointed Dr. Matthias Heinrich as their enthusiastic and competent new leader. Dr. Heinrich also works as senior research fellow in the reseach group "Experimental Solid-State Optics" Visit the new websites of the Astronomy Group [...]
Scientists from the University of Rostock, Germany were able to recreate fundamental physical properties from the realm of elementary particle physics in a photonic system. The results are published in the renowned scientific [...]